All change and no change

There has been quite a lot happening in the world of menusandblocks over the past few months.
First, there was a major change.
Late last year, Chris found himself hankering after a new and different challenge and took up a job with Capgemini. We were sad to see him go, but wish him every success and hope he enjoys working on some very exciting (and large!) projects.
But some things don't change. We've continued to be very busy.
Dan and myself have been concentrating on our consulting and development work, which has encompassed anything and everything Drupal, it seems. From customising Open Atrium for a bespoke extranet to teaching CiviCRM how to behave in the presence of Drupal, we have been tackling a wide range of Drupal projects.
We launched our first Drupal 7 sites, overhauled our hosting and maintenance packages (which we may open up to more customers this year) and worked hard on improving our code and site deployment strategies. We've even started training others in how to handle the sometimes-tricky task of moving a site from development to production and may consider offering some services in this area in the future.
It's been a busy few months. And it looks as though we'll continue saying that.