Context Region Title

I've just made a release of Context Region Title, which allows you to set contextual titles per region on your Drupal site (it really is all in the name).
We're using it on a site we're building at the moment, but it's the first time I've ever needed something like this. I'd be interested to know if anyone else finds it useful.
Creating a 'Related Products' block with Views and Ubercart

A popular feature on e-commerce sites is the display of related products on the page when a user is viewing an item. This screencast shows how we create that feature with Drupal 6, Ubercart, Node Reference and Views modules.
Plings Developer Day and Drupal Plings Module

What more can you ask for? With a bacon butty waiting and a coffee on arrival at the Plings developer day at thestudio Manchester we were certainly kicking off the on the right foot!
Late to the Drush party!

I admit it, I am usually late to all the cool parties! And so it was with Drush, the command line 'control panel' for Drupal!
Drupal Maintenance at Sun Microsystems

I'll be attending and giving a short talk on the process of upgrading sites from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 on Thursday this week at Sun Microsystems in London. The "Drupal Maintenance" event has been organised by Code Positive and will be hosted by Sun.
Topics covered include:
NGOs, get Drupal working for YOU!

“Drupal for NGOs” is the bi-monthly bash held at Amnesty International in London and as the title suggests, it’s all about encouraging NGOs to harness Drupal powa!
There were 3 presentations interspersed with plenty of friendly banter, wine and nibbles. The focus? Creating powerful intranets with Drupal.
DrupalcampUK Round Up

Sniff, farewell first DrupalcampUK, we'll miss you, can't wait to see you next time, sob |-;
Ahem, seriously, DrupalcampUK ROCKED!!!, with Drupal rock stars attending from as far away as Germany, London and Middlesbrough!
DrupalCamp UK

DrupalCamp UK is on the 13th and 14th of June, yay!!! The first of its kind in the UK, the event is being hosted by the BBC at their Broadcasting House on Oxford Road, Manchester. If you're the slightest bit interested in Drupal then head over to http://drupalcampuk.eventbrite.com/ to book yourself a free ticket now, yes it's FREE!
Incidently, we've heard that a LOT of pizza is turning up on the Saturday night, so go grab a ticket and then come grab a slice of the action!
Trouble installing Drupal? Try Acquia's installer

If you're new to web development, or have little experience of using the command line, installing Drupal can be a little daunting.
Now, Acquia, the Drupal support company set up by Drupal's founder, Dries Buytaert, has released an installer that will set everything up for you on your Mac or Windows PC.
This way you can have a local development environment to play with without having to worry about uploading files, setting permissions or finding hidden files.
Download it from http://acquia.com/downloads
The limitations of Drupal's theme layer

Excellent article from Development Seed on the limitations of Drupal's current theme system and how it could be revolutionised: http://www.developmentseed.org/blog/2009/mar/01/limitations-drupal-theme...