DrupalcampUK Round Up

Sniff, farewell first DrupalcampUK, we'll miss you, can't wait to see you next time, sob |-;
Ahem, seriously, DrupalcampUK ROCKED!!!, with Drupal rock stars attending from as far away as Germany, London and Middlesbrough!
DrupalCamp UK

DrupalCamp UK is on the 13th and 14th of June, yay!!! The first of its kind in the UK, the event is being hosted by the BBC at their Broadcasting House on Oxford Road, Manchester. If you're the slightest bit interested in Drupal then head over to http://drupalcampuk.eventbrite.com/ to book yourself a free ticket now, yes it's FREE!
Incidently, we've heard that a LOT of pizza is turning up on the Saturday night, so go grab a ticket and then come grab a slice of the action!