Breakthrough Day

Yesterday was a breakthrough day! Some of the exciting things I'd been trying to get done in preparation for the ride all came together.
I cycled 50 miles in a day, yay go me! Well it was actually 49.3 miles :)
It was the North West Drupal user group last night so I rode from Garstang to Manchester via the hilly ascent to Belmont on the A675 and through Bolton clocking up 40 miles! After the user group, I got the train back from Oxford Road to Preston finishing the day with a 9.3 mile ride back home.
So now I know what 50 miles feels like, I found some of the hills incredibly hard going but I managed to stay on the bike and the beautiful scenery and descent into Bolton made all the hard work worth it.
Another breakthrough, I also managed to speak to a Katharine at Brompton who agreed in principle to post a news item on the Brompton website to help publicise the ride! This is great news as it will get the message out to the Brompton community, hopefully some will want to donate :)
In addition, Liz from the Meningitis Trust drafted a very professional press release from the brief information I supplied her, I'll post it here in full once it's finalised!
And lastly, Liz also notified me that my enquiries to the Lancashire Evening Post and Garstang Courier must have filtered through to the Blackpool Gazette, check the sixth story down -