DrupalcampUK Round Up

Sniff, farewell first DrupalcampUK, we'll miss you, can't wait to see you next time, sob |-;
Ahem, seriously, DrupalcampUK ROCKED!!!, with Drupal rock stars attending from as far away as Germany, London and Middlesbrough!
The two day conference was generously hosted at the BBC on Oxford Road in Manchester, thanks to Ian Forrester and our very our Herm who looked after us all like a true saint :)
There were two days of two tracks with some excellent talks covering subjects such as an "Introduction to Drupal" through to "Migrating data into Drupal with the Migrate and Table Wizard" and with approaching one hundred people present the two rooms and overflow areas were buzzing! All the talks were videoed so should be up on http://drupalcamp.org.uk soon.
Like most events of this type, the time over meals and between talks proved to be extremely useful. Meeting new people and having that, "So you're
Hats must be lifted and tilted in the direction of Dan Smith who did a sterling job of organising the event along with other volunteers beforehand, on the day and afterwards. They worked tirelessly on all aspects of the organisation and should be allowed to sleep for at least another couple of days before we wake them!
We also have to thank the amazing sponsors who stepped up with some great support so we could eat and such like, that REALLY was the last piece of pizza for me, thanks to you all, http://drupalcamp.org.uk/sponsors
So on reflection, this weekend past, for me at least, can be summed up in the thought that whilst Drupal is great software, it has always been more than that, it IS great people, it IS great community and with murmurings afoot to the tune of "let's do it again shall we?", I sense it won't be long before we're rockin' in the UK again.