Dublin Drupal event was... great!

james's picture

I've just got back from the first Dublin Drupal event. Over 70 people turned up and over half of those had no experience of Drupal what-so-ever! What a fantastic turnout. The downside was there were only enough sandwiches for fifty... :-)

Hats off to Stella and Heather for organising it and a big thank you to DIT for hosting the event, too. It was a good venue.

There was a wide range of talks, covering everything from the basics to developing modules. Although it started off as one track, it was later split into two to better accommodate the beginners as well as the more advanced users. (For the Manchester DrupalCamp we're planning, we think three tracks may be the way to go, and to give all the speakers more time, I think two full days are needed.)

It was great meeting everyone, it was great visiting Dublin and it's great to see that the Drupal community's so active!
