Things we've said
The limitations of Drupal's theme layer
Excellent article from Development Seed on the limitations of Drupal's current theme system and how it could be revolutionised:
Speaking at the Manchester Free Software
James and I will be giving a Drupal talk next Tuesday the 17th February 7pm at Manchester Free Software.
The meeting is taking place at the BBC on Oxford Road, Manchester, if you're interesting in coming along please let your intentions be known by emailing
PHPNW08 Buzz
It all starts with coffee right?
You bet! G-MEX was all locked up when we arrived so what else could we do but hot foot it over to Starbucks with a few other early birds in tow :)
Dublin Drupal event was... great!
I've just got back from the first Dublin Drupal event. Over 70 people turned up and over half of those had no experience of Drupal what-so-ever! What a fantastic turnout. The downside was there were only enough sandwiches for fifty... :-)
Hats off to Stella and Heather for organising it and a big thank you to DIT for hosting the event, too. It was a good venue.
Mark Boulton talks about the redesign
Paul Boag interviews Mark Boulton about the redesign and the approach of designing by community.
Definitely worth a listen if you haven't been following the process so far. The latest design iterations can be found at