Things we've said
Barcamp Blackpool 2010

This coming weekend is Barcamp Blackpool 2010! The event is taking place at Blackpool Pleasure Beach (in the white casino building) and at the time of writing only 4 tickets remain!
We're really looking forward to it, Dan and I will be heading over on Saturday so if you spot us come and say hello :)
Plings Developer Day and Drupal Plings Module

What more can you ask for? With a bacon butty waiting and a coffee on arrival at the Plings developer day at thestudio Manchester we were certainly kicking off the on the right foot!
Late to the Drush party!

I admit it, I am usually late to all the cool parties! And so it was with Drush, the command line 'control panel' for Drupal!
Merry Christmas 2009

Dan, James and Chris would like to wish all their clients a very merry Christmas. It's been an exciting year and we look forward to continuing working with you on your projects in 2010!
Drupal Maintenance at Sun Microsystems

I'll be attending and giving a short talk on the process of upgrading sites from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 on Thursday this week at Sun Microsystems in London. The "Drupal Maintenance" event has been organised by Code Positive and will be hosted by Sun.
Topics covered include: